My goal for winter was to create new work at Glass Orchids, for the upcoming season.
I have to say that I’ve failed miserably at that task this winter. This winter I’ve been consumed by other tasks, after getting through the holidays I’ve spent my time working on websites for myself and the various arts organizations I’m a part of. I’m also the manager of two of the artisan cooperatives I’m in , and organizing for the upcoming season takes a lot of work. I admit, I also enjoyed days of laziness which are greatly needed to refuel for the coming year.
I’ve got plans for new work at Glass Orchids, so many plans lol…… but first I’ve got to set up for the opening of the cooperatives, do my taxes (which no are not done yet), clean my studio, plant my garden, and then, yes then, create new works!!!
In addition to working getting this site ready for prime time, I also created a new website for one of my cooperatives: Belfast Harbor Artisans.